Soho Sectional 214cm - Left Arm Facing (SHO-214-LAF)

Pricing (Ex. Fabric or Leather)
Covering Price Material Required
Fabric £ Please Enquire 17.0 metres
Leather £ Please Enquire 306 ft2
Sizes in Centimetres & Inches
Overall Dimensions Metric Inches
  Width 214 cm 84"
  Depth 98 cm 39"
  Height 86 cm 34"
Fabric & Leather Requirements
Cover Type Metres Yards
Plain Fabric 137cm (54") Wide) 17.0 m 18.6 yds
Small Pattern Repeat (up to 15cm) 18.7 m 20.5 yds
Large Pattern Repeat (15cm to 65cm) 20.4 m 22.3 yds
Leather 28.4 m2 306 ft2

The Soho Sectional Collection

Product Code Name Plain Fabric (metres) £ Excluding Fabric Overall Dimensions - Metric Overall Dimensions - Inches
Width (cm) Depth (cm) Height (cm) Width (in) Depth (in) Height (in)
SHO-214-LAF Soho Sectional 214cm - Left Arm Facing 17.0 £ Please Enquire 214 98 86 84" 39" 34"
SHO-214-RAF Soho Sectional 214cm - Right Arm Facing 17.0 £ Please Enquire 214 98 86 84" 39" 34"
SHO-245-LAFC Soho Sectional 245cm Corner Unit - Left Arm Facing 19.0 £ Please Enquire 245 98 86 96" 39" 34"
SHO-245-RAFC Soho Sectional 245cm Corner Unit - Right Arm Facing 19.0 £ Please Enquire 245 98 86 96" 39" 34"